with Heather Evans
with Heather Evans
It's time to:
- BUILD a life you LOVE.
- TRUST yourself to know the way.
- EMPOWER yourself on your journey.
If it feels like you're on auto-pilot, eyes forward, just making it through life and you KNOW that life should feel better than it does, yet every book on happiness has left you less happy than before, then you're in the right place.

"The Good Stuff"
Sent To You!

You are here because you want your life to FEEL GOOD.
You know it's possible.
You know you're capable of making it happen.
You're ready to step onto the path to your next self.
If many of your days feel monotonous, exhausting, unenjoyable... and you KNOW that there has to be another way. You TRUST that there exists a different way of living. Then you are 100% ready for what's next.
This is what's next.
The Empowered Life is where I teach what I've learned through trial-and-error, through coaching women, through working with children, and through surviving some hard shit.
Step out of feeling like you're on the hamster wheel and can't get off.
Learn to shift away from overwhelm, feeling anxious, depressed,
and into feeling EMPOWERED. ENOUGH. ALIVE.
Living Life Empowered

I'm Heather Evans!
I'm a... woman, wife, mom, friend, yogi, imperfect, perfect, flawed, fabulous, deep convo, fun convo, dance it out, cry it out, sing it out, find-the-best-in-others, soul.
On paper... I'm a certified yoga teacher, certified K-12 educator, a black belt, a graduate from the University of Texas, a certified Wellness Coach, and business owner (since the age of 16).
I've been through life... a divorce, a single mom of two, survivor of an abusive marriage, eating disorder recovery, anxiety and depression warrior, re-marriage, and have rebuilt my social circles and parts of my life so many times.
I share...
how to create your path to inner peace,
- how to be imperfect and love yourself anyway,
- how to parent/be married/have friendships in ways that fill you rather than drain you,
- how to live now and not wait for tomorrow,
- how to uncover the painful stories/beliefs you've gathered and let that sh*t go.
- how to shed old beliefs, carry what supports you and release what holds you back.
I walk WITH you, not for you. If you're ready to do the walk, let's go.
Join me:
After spending decades working with children, women and parents, it was time to share what has worked, not worked and what empowers women, children and families to live a life that feels good.
Diagnosed with depression and anxiety when I moved away to college, I spent years dealing with, managing and eventually learning how to live an empowered life.
We can keep treating the symptoms (anxiety, depression, overwhelm) or work on the beliefs, mindsets, and mental wiring that keep us stuck in lives that feel exhausting, overwhelming and leave us anxious and depressed.
This isn't a "choose joy" or a "just be happy" way of life. This is learning how to live an empowered life that allows all feelings to flow in and out in a way that doesn't keep you stuck or feeling like you're running on a hamster wheel.
Let's live an empowered life. Parent our children in a way that empowers them and us. And raise children who feel capable, who are resilient, and who are able to navigate life with inner peace and grow into empowered adults that know how to navigate the waves of life. And coach ourselves along the way so we can live a life that feels good too.